Nero burning rom 7 power calibration error

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Joined Aug 16, Messages 2. I can't figure out why I am unable to burn a double layer dvd. I get an error message that reads power calibration error at around the time the dvd burner begins to burn the second layer. FireKat , Feb 18, Yes, I did Yesterday, I wrote an e-mail to their support team, maybe they can help me Benelot , Feb 18, Benelot Because your firmware was so far behind, you may have to go with the oldest version you can find and try to get that to take before you go to the latest.

I call it the progressive firmware update method.. Now looking at the firmware site i see 1. If the latest version still wont take, keep going up a revision at a time until you do get there. I had to do that with my liteon drive.

It didnt recoginze the drive when i tried to go with the most current version. Went to the oldest version listed which was still ahead of my burners version and it took. Then went to the most current, and it recoginzed the drive and took. Its worth a try. Even the 1. MaxBurn , Feb 20, Unfortunately, the links to the older drivers do not exist I don't know what to do, I've been searching for hours to find drivers that work, and none of them do I think I'm gonna buy a new DVD burner Any suggestions?

Benelot , Feb 21, You are correct. I saw those links, but never clicked on them. They are dead. Posted June 9, Shadow Dragon Posted June 10, Posted June 10, Abhishek kapoor Posted June 10, I had tried Nero , and change power connector but nothing change. Piggy Posted June 10, I try CD-RW I burn game roadrash and also play with cd Thing that i try writing on cd-RW and it is working fine 1.

Mp3 Songs 3. AVi video now should i try CD. If you want a better and free alternative: ImgBurn. Shadow Dragon Posted June 11, Posted June 11, Abhishek kapoor Posted June 11, Abhishek kapoor Posted June 12, Semoga Berhasil! Posted by : Rudy Khoiruddin Kamis, 09 April Tidak ada cara pasti untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, tapi mungkin cara di bawah ini bisa dicoba.

Coba burning pada kecepatan yang paling rendah Mungkin kamu terlanjur membeli banyak kepingan yang jelek dan kurang berkualitas, tapi masih ingin menggunakan kepingan itu. Ternyata berhasil, data berhasil masuk ke kepingan CD nya.


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