From office shots to drool-inducing food plates, this free stock photo service has a batch of photos to meet almost anyone's needs. These images can be used on your website, social channels, mockups, etc.
To get familiar with their terms of service, check out their licensing page. If you're looking for stock photos to use in your next design but don't want to worry about all that attribution stuff, well, look no further. HubSpot offers a ton of free stock photos that you can use literally anywhere. All you need to do is download the batch and then be on your merry way to create engaging, visual content.
Us again. In case you can't find what you need in that resource up there, we've also created a holiday-specific set of stock photos for you to use as you please.
If you're looking for more "do whatever you want" photos with a scenery or inanimate object tilt, check out Unsplash. Just like our own stock photos, no attribution is needed. The pictures speak for themselves -- so go check out the website for more. If you're looking to make interactive infographics -- not just plain visuals -- check out this online design tool.
Easily add graphs, maps, text, and even playable videos without diving deep into a design program. It also has social sharing tools built right into the infographic, so you don't have to worry about creating a custom Pin-It button.
It's a pretty nifty tool if you want to create and ship an infographic -- fast. Venngage is a free infographic maker that has the capability to produce charts, reports, and stunning data visualizations. You can start with a template and easily customize the look to fit your brand. Under the free plan, you'll be limited to the number of image uploads and designs you can do, but there are more advanced plans with premium feature sets.
With Visme, you get a whole platform for creating digital content with capabilities for presentations, data visualization, infographics, social posts, and even short videos. You can have up to 5 projects and MB of storage in the free version, plus access to a library of free templates for projects such as ebooks, flyers, and logos.
Depending on the sophistication of your design needs, you may find yourself in need of a prototyping app. This type of software can be used to turn your ideas -- whether it be an app or a website that you've cooked up in your head -- into a more tangible reality.
While there are many free options available, we've selected two that really deliver in terms of ease of use and functionality: InVision and Marvel. Although both of these options offer more advanced, paid plans, you can get started with a free plan. Say goodbye to your weird Microsoft Paint drawings and say hello to polished, professional Google Drawings.
If you have a personal Gmail or your company uses Google Apps, you can use Google Drawings to create custom visual content. One of my favorite features about it is that it comes with an invisible background right off the bat so you can create custom shapes that can easily be pasted on top of your other marketing collateral -- the perfect way to spruce up an updated ebook call-to-action or even customize a stock photo.
And the best part of all is that you can collaborate with your co-workers on the drawing by sharing the document, just like you would any other Google Document.
And that's just a few possibilities out there of the tools and templates that can help streamline your workflow as you create content for your audience.
Editor's Note: This post was originally published in September and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness. Originally published Apr 13, AM, updated April 29 Subscribe to Our Blog Stay up to date with the latest marketing, sales, and service tips and news.
Thank You! You have been subscribed. Start free or get a demo. Marketing 13 min read. Who doesn't love free stuff? Fontjoy Need to find the perfect font combination for your next project? Google Fonts If you're looking for quality typography for your next design, check out Google Fonts.
WhatFont Ever come across a font on a particular web page and think to yourself, "I need that. DaFont , 5. Font Squirrel Looking for an extra special font to help your design stand out? Tiff Ever find yourself stuck between two fonts? When using the program the images are the embodiment of clarity. With over 50, vector graphics, you can product a network diagram with devices that almost pop out of the screen!
The user interface is fairly simple to use, but what really helps your learning curve are the free templates included. You can lay the foundations for a diagram without having to spend hours compiling a basic design; everything is there already. There is also a free trial which can be downloaded from this here. Microsoft Visio is one of the most famous diagram mapping tools on the market.
The Microsoft Visio name has taken on a particular significance for network administrators who use this platform to chart devices. It is no secret that Microsoft Visio brings a crisper user experience to the table than most other tools in this category.
What really sets Microsoft Visio apart from the crowd is its extensive templates. You can create templates for network devices and data center setups, which makes it much easier for you to design a new network. There are a number of pricing options available for Microsoft Visio. The main differences between the two are that Microsoft Visio Professional provides you with a home plan, floor plan, site plan, sets, and trigonometry. Microsoft Visio can be downloaded from this link here. Network Notepad is a free network mapping platform that has created waves as one of the low cost alternatives on the market.
It features a range of IT elements to be used to build networks and elaborate topology maps. The user can drag and drop elements straight onto the canvas to start building diagrams. There is also a paid version called Network Notepad Professional which allows you to create multi-page diagrams with custom shapes. Unfortunately Network Notepad is only available for Windows. Each license is only valid for a single PC and you need to supply a hardware ID for each. Before making a purchase, we recommend downloading the freeware version of Notepad or the day free trial of Notepad Professional.
Network Notepad Professional can be downloaded from this link here. As the name suggests, LanFlow is a diagram production tool designed specifically for creating network diagrams.
You can create detailed network diagrams right down to the cabling between devices. LanFlow includes a range of networking symbols in 2D and 3D. You can also download a free trial version of the product for 30 days. We only recommend this product for those looking for an entry-level network diagram product. You can download the LanFlow free trial from this link here. Finally on our list we have Net-Probe. Net-Probe is a bit different than most of the other tools on this list, as it is primarily a network monitor but you can create network diagrams with it by adding your devices.
Red means critical, green means okay, and amber means a warning. The free version has the ability to monitor up to eight hosts. The free version can be downloaded from this link here. Each network diagram tool on this list has the ability to create high quality network diagrams. If you need a solution to track your network topology as it evolves, we recommend SolarWinds Network Topology Mapper.
While the price point is competitive, if you want to go for a product that is less costly then Microsoft Visio is also a solid choice. No matter which direction you decide to go in, it is a good idea to try out some of the free trials available. That way you can take your network platform for a test run before committing to a single product. Since Tim has have been a full-time tech copywriter.
Tim has written extensively on net admin topics helping businesses and entrepreneurs to keep their data protected. Tim has also written widely on cybersecurity. Why is Network Design Important? Layer 1 — The Physical Layer This layer includes all of the equipment that you can physically touch on your network, from routers, computers, hardware and cables right down to printers and laptops. Layer 3 — The Network Layer This layer is used as to determine the path and logical addressing IP of all communications.
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