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Join The Club Subscribe for inspiration in your inbox! When I was a kid we had regular game nights and this tradition has been carried on with my own family. One of our favorites both then and now has been the card game UNO. The first thing you notice on the robot is the Discard Tray and Discard Plate located on top of its head. This is where you hold the Discard Pile during the game. Meanwhile, the Discard Plate is the part of the robot that needs to be pressed most of the time during gameplay.
The robot runs on 3 AA alkaline batteries, which thankfully, are supplied by Mattel. The robot will go to sleep after one minute of no activity. To keep the robot awake or power him back up, simply press the Discard Plate. The House Rule cards. House Rules are special custom rules for Uno Roboto that you can create yourself by speaking into the microphone, OR by referring from any of the 4 ready-made Uno Roboto House Rule cards. The robot will call out the House Rule from time to time randomly and when it does, all players must race to complete it.
The last finisher of the House Rule must draw two cards from the Draw Pile. Surprise Commands. The robot can also issue Surprise Commands randomly, to any player during gameplay, so be ready for that! Surprise Commands are random commands apart from House Rules, which the robot will announce from time to time to any of the players.
There is no running away from the orders issued by the robot; he may even ask two players to duel with each other to complete a task, and the loser will need to draw two cards! After each Surprise Command, the robot, will then call out the name of the player that will go next, thereby changing the flow of the game. If a Surprise Command results in any player having to put down a card on the Discard Pile, that new card then overrules any existing cards on the Discard Pile below it, and affects whoever that has to resume play.
He presses the Discard Plate. Of course, the next player needs to draw two cards and miss their turn. However, the robot suddenly calls out to Jim to discard all his green cards, and then asks Jane to continue after him.
Jim has a Green Skip card, and so he places it on top of the Discard Pile. The next player to play again, is now Jeff. Your videos are really awesome LuckyPennyShop!! Today in my camp me and my two bffs where playing uno. How much money do you think you have spent on all your products just wondering. My name in rick from the philiphines can you send me just one toy pls can you package it.
Nice video dude. I Want that game so much!!!! Lucky penny shop your cool I liked and subscribed. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.